Free people free people is an expression of Traffick911’s value of shared humanity: the conviction that every human was created equally and with innate worth, fully deserving of justice and dignity.


We believe there is hope when we constructively call each other up with grace and compassion, when we commit to starting with ourselves, when we fight for justice, and when we advocate for the truth. We believe that every person was created for a purpose and that hope and freedom are an inherent human right.

We believe that we are better together. Through humility, we approach the fight for freedom in deep collaboration with survivors, partners, and the community. We commit to a humble posture that embraces a culture of adaptability. We are no less broken than the person sitting next to us, no matter our experiences. And it is in this understanding of our own brokenness, our own need to journey toward freedom, that we are able to effectively advocate for the freedom of others.

This statement of understanding entails two actions: cultivating a humble understanding of several truths outlined below, and eradicating behaviors which perpetuate the buying and selling of people.