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Relationship is the intervention.


Traffick911 offers around-the-clock crisis intervention and continuous care for victims of child sex trafficking across all of North Texas. We call this the Voice & Choice Program.


Traffick911 provides 24/7 crisis response to law enforcement, investigative agencies, and hospitals across North Texas: Dallas, Tarrant, Denton, Collin, Ellis, and Rockwall Counties.

Traffick911’s highly-trained advocates respond to law enforcement when a victim is recovered and go to their location within 60 minutes. In those first crucial moments, Advocates help establish felt safety with a meal and a backpack filled with cozy items, a fuzzy teddy bear, toiletries, and a journal. They then help meet basic needs, implement a safety plan, and ensure the child has a safe place to stay in close partnership with a county multi-disciplinary team. But that is just the beginning! Advocates work with survivors into adulthood for long-term healing and protection from re-victimization through trauma-informed case management, goal-planning, and connection to safe community relationships.


Here is how we work with
child sex trafficking (CST) victims


The Voice & Choice Program pairs highly trained advocates with child sex trafficking victims.

Our services are field-based. That means Advocates go to meet kids and families right where they are.

When a survivor gets a Voice & Choice Advocate, they gain a friend.


Relationship is the intervention. 


The Voice & Choice program is Traffick911's unique response to child sex trafficking victims, serving over 300 youth each year.

The Advocate’s goal, first and foremost, is to build a trust-based relationship.

Advocacy can look like:

  • Regular face-to-face meetings and outings where Advocates and youth set goals and safety plan

  • Attending court proceedings and helping prepare victim impact statements

  • Hosting support groups where youth can interact with peers who have also been impacted by trafficking

  • Hosting birthday parties, GED/diploma graduation parties, milestone celebrations

  • Working with the child and family throughout placement and in between placements

  • Advocating for and recommending specialized services: we have a nationwide network of partners offering specialized residential placement/treatment and/or outpatient therapeutic programs

  • Educating the caregiver(s) and case workers/probation officers on the effects of child sex trafficking and the intense trauma that the child has endured

  • Advocates participate in regional multi-disciplinary teams in order to provide wrap-around services and support


We can’t do it alone!

At our core, we believe this fight takes collaboration on every level with other like-minded organizations, survivor leaders, service providers, advocates, lawmakers, and local, state, and federal law enforcement working together in a united front. Think of this issue like a wheel—each has a spoke in the wheel, and each part is vital.


Crisis Assistance

For crisis needs, please call our 24/7 crisis response line and speak to the Advocate on call: 817-575-9923 ext. 700 or call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888.

Non-Crisis Referrals

The Voice & Choice program serves child sex trafficking victims in Dallas, Tarrant, Collin, Denton, Ellis, and Rockwall Counties. Program Eligibility: We serve child sex trafficking victims ages 11-21. Clients must be under 18 to come into services, but we will continue serving them into adulthood.For questions about referrals, please email

Non-discrimination: Traffick911 does not discriminate and will not deny services to a client based on race, color, religion, gender, ethnicity, national origin, marital status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, health status, employment status, immigration status, disability, or physical or cognitive ability. Traffick911’s services/programs do not have any faith or religious requirements. If you have a discrimination complaint, please email or call 817-575-9923.


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