Kids Deserve Summer

During the summer, we often think about vacations, time away from work and school, and days full of family activities. Summer is a lifelong memory for so many kids. But for kids who have experienced trafficking, summertime is a time of  increased vulnerabilities.

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Overflowing Hope Takes a Village

It takes a community of people to stand behind our team as they serve kids who have been impacted by trafficking. Take a glimpse behind the scenes and hear from our team about hope and how it fuels Traffick911's mission of freeing youth from sex trafficking.

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An Update on Legislation and How You Can Help

In January, our team spent time at the Texas Capitol advocating for legislative changes that directly affect the youth we serve. Did you know that children as young as 13 can be charged with prostitution here in Texas? This is a law that Traffick911 is specifically advocating to be amended to protect children, not charge them with a crime committed against them.

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The Truth About Trafficking

'Sex trafficking' has become a buzzword in today’s society. We hear and see numerous depictions in the news and media about who’s being trafficked and how they end up in these situations. However, would it surprise you to hear that many of the ways that the media depicts this issue are riddled with misconceptions that can actually be harmful to victims?

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Dominique ArceComment